Monday, June 11, 2012

Tips to Reduce Symptoms of Canine Allergies for Dog

Tips to Reduce Symptoms of Canine Allergies for Dog - For those of us whose dogs trigger our allergies, it can be a real balancing act to enjoy them while dealing with the symptoms that are often triggered by their presence. Here are 5 things you can do right now that will help you enjoy your dog more by reducing the allergens that trigger symptoms. Keep Your Dog's Skin Clean---This may be pretty easy if your dog fits in a tote, but obviously is more difficult to impossible if it weighs 95 pounds.. Effectively reducing the amount of hair, fur, and/or dander that is available to go airborne is crucial. This one action alone can make a huge difference in the particle count in your air.

Check with the veterinarian first for the frequency and type of products that are best to use. This is important because bathing too frequently or with the wrong type of shampoo can cause dry skin and actually increase the amount of dander. Keep Pet Areas Clean---Dust mites feed on pet dander (and human dander too). Dander is the body's way of replacing old skin with newer, healthier skin that is more able to protect it against disease and infection.

Keeping your dog's favorite bedding, rug, and furniture clean, and laundered when possible is one of the best way to reduce these allergens that can increase when the dander count is high. Provide A Healthy Diet---Make the vet's office your first stop for the answer that is best for your pooch.. There is so much discussion these days on which food is best that a professional who knows your dog and its specific needs should be the last word about diet.

A healthy diet directly affects the condition of your dog's coat and skin. An improper diet can contribute to shedding and more dander production while a balanced diet can mean fewer skin issues. It is important to note that dander is a fact of life. But following these suggestions will help keep levels lower and lessen its impact on you and your allergies.

Limit Your Numbers---So many dog owners find it hard to say no to bringing home dogs when they turn those big beautiful eyes on you. And while a big heart is a wonderful thing, adopting too many dogs only to find out that you cannot tolerate living with them is hard on you and the dog. If you already know that pets cause problems, think twice before you bring more into your home. It is hard to imagine the problems won't multiply exponentially with more than one or two in your home. Better to love one.

Filter The Air---Even though pet-related allergens may be what you are most focused on with your allergies at this point, most people who are allergic are sensitive to a variety of allergens.

Common houshold dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, and seasonal pollens can work in conjunction with pet related triggers and cause you to miserable throughout the year. Using a HEPA or high efficiency particle arresting filter to clear the air of particulates is an effective way to minimize your exposure to numerous allergens.

By definition a HEPA filter must be able to remove 99,997 out of every 10,000 airborne particles that are .3 microns in size or greater. With a micron being defined as one millionth of a meter, it's easy to see that it can remove not only pet allergens, but those that are inherent to indoor spaces as well as those that may they way indoors from outside.

It is heartbreaking to even think about having to find someone else to love your dog. And taking these steps can really help keep your allergies at bay, and your dog in your heart and your home.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Your Dog is Banned from Flight?This is What You Do

Your Dog is Banned from Flight?This is What You Do -  Whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, it’s always nice to have your beloved friend accompany you wherever you go. The conditions have recently changed for certain dog owners, however. As of March 13th, certain “dangerous” dog breeds are banned from United Airlines, one of the most popular ways to travel by air.

While their primary focus was safety, it is still a frustration to owners possessing these particular breeds, that they can no longer travel with their dogs. As awareness grows, it is important that you realize that your dog may not be allowed to travel the next time you decide to fly.

The breeds listed under the restriction are:

1. Pit Bull Terriers

2. American Staffordshire Terriers

3. Pressa Canario

4. Perro de Presa Canario

5. Cane Corso

6. Dogo Argentino

7. Fila Brasileiro

8. Ca de Bou

While these are dog breeds targeted by unjustifiable discrimination, the airline can prohibit any dog they deem “dangerous” or that shows signs of aggression. In addition, any dog that is a mixed breed containing one or more of these breeds will also be prohibited. For those who feel that a dog is more than a pet, but rather a family member, this can be more of an insult rather than simply a safety issue. Because you don’t want to plan your next trip only to run into trouble at the airport, it can be helpful to know your dog’s breed, even if they are a mixed breed. First, prepare by contacting your veterinarian to seek medical records and confirmation of breed if you are unsure. Having the proper documentation can smooth your travel issues.

While the rules prohibit these breeds, the one exemption is that the dog is neither greater than twenty pounds nor older than six months, whichever comes first. But, this fact relies on the confirmation of your dog’s health certificate which must be as recent as ten days. If you are planning to travel with your puppy, be sure that you consult with your veterinarian to get a certificate of health that is as close to your travel date as possible. Unfortunately, this possibility comes with its own set of problems. If you are staying for a long period, and returning after the certificate has aged more than ten days, you’ll either have to find a local veterinarian or find a different route back. Also keep in mind that puppies grow very quickly. If your dog passes the twenty pound mark during your stay, it will definitely cause travel issues. If you are planning to travel with a puppy of one of the banned breeds, you should consider other transportation options.

Just “Appearing” dangerous

While certain breeds are the target of the ban, there is also concern about dogs that act or appear dangerous. The airline reserves the right to prohibit any dog they deem “dangerous.” This can also lead to issues, especially since a dog that is traveling in their crate may feel threated when in a new and strange environment.

For everyone’s safety, you should consider consulting with your vet regarding safe “pacification” methods for your dog, especially if they’ve been trained to guard or protect you and your family. Tranquilizers and quality comfort can help keep them from panicking, by helping to soften your dog’s demeanor during travel. If your dog appears docile, there should be no reason to qualify it as dangerous.

Breed blocked

The last solution, especially for owners of certain dog breeds, is to choose alternative means of travel. While it can be upsetting and inconvenient, choosing an alternative airline or traveling by means of the road may be your safest and least time consuming choice. The inconveniences that certain airlines have recently created leave no choice for many dog owners, so other options must be considered. While proper dog care may require that you have to leave your pet with a trusted friend or qualified kennel, at other times, this is not possible, as in the case of moving. Many people are traveling for relocation purposes, or even for work, such as a traveling nurse or doctor. You should always practice safe travel habits, such as proper socialization, training, and controlling their environment. These will help insure that you and your dog enjoy a safe trip to your new location.

For many dog owners, this causes yet another hassle when it comes to involving pets in our lives. While some dog breeds have been misconceived with a “bad rap” about their demeanor, it is not the dog’s fault. Abuse, mistreatment, and improper training are the most common causes for dog aggression, and aren’t selective to any particular breed. So, always treat your dog with care and love, even if their breed has been discriminated as “dangerous.”

Safe and Effective Holistic Options:Hyperthyroidism in Cats

Hyperthyroidism in Cats: Safe and Effective Holistic Options- If you have an older cat with increased appetite, but also with weight loss then they likely have hyperthyroidism. This is a very common cat disease, primarily affecting middle aged to older cats. In this article I will explain what hyperthyroidism is, going over the most common signs and causes. I will then cover your options for treatment, including the most effective natural solutions.

This is a disease that occurs only in cats. Your cat will usually be over the age of 10. She will have an increased appetite, but will be losing weight. Her coat will be sparse. She may be urinating more often. She will have evidence of muscle loss. You may be able to feel an enlarged thyroid gland beside her Adam's apple. Her heart rate will be elevated (greater than 200 beats per minute).

In hyperthyroidism, the thyroid gland enlarges and produces an excess of thyroid hormone. This speeds up your cat's entire metabolism, producing the signs of weight loss, increased appetite, elevated heart rate and often high blood pressure. 

The disease is diagnosed based on a veterinary exam, and in many instances enlarged thyroid glands can be palpated on either side of your cat's trachea (windpipe). High heart rate, and elevated blood pressure point towards hyperthyroid disease. A chemistry panel measuring thyroid hormone (T4) can confirm the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism.

One of the safest and most effective ways to treat your hyperthyroid cat is with radioactive iodine. Your cat will be given one dose of radioactive Iodine that selectively targets the abnormal thyroid cells. It requires a specialized licensed facility, and can only be performed at a few referral practitioners.

Surgery is a potential option, but based on the risks of hypocalcemia, and anesthetic concerns in older cats, it is seldom performed. 

Most cats are treated with a conventional medication called methimazole, but the medication has drawbacks. First medication must be given at least daily, usually twice a day- and this can be a challenge. 15% of cats have some type of side effect, typically GI ( vomiting, diarrhea, innapetance). Some can have allergic type reactions ( ie facial scratching). A small percent will have serious liver disease, and some can have their bone marrow affected ( this happens in 2-4% of cats on medication).

Carnitine is a supplement that has been found to be effective in reversing the signs of hyperthyroid disease in people. The starting cat dose is 250 mg a day.

Bugleweed Lycopus europeus) and Melissa (Melissa officinalis). These are two herbs that have been used in combination to combat the effects of hyperthyroid disease. Bugleweed has been shown to decrease thyroid hormone levels in rats 24 hours after administration. The standard dose is 1 drop per lb of body weight of the tinctures given twice daily.

Nat Mur is a homeopathic used for thyroid hormone reduction. Alternate practitioners' favor Nat Mur 30C as the remedy of choice. In fact a clinical trial with this homeopathic gave impressive results, treating the hyperthyroidism in many of the cats. Give 1 tab every 12 hours and assess the response after 30 days. 

This very common cat disease, hyperthyroidism, has some fairly classic signs of increased appetite, with accompanied weight loss that all cat owners should be aware of. The cause is due to overproduction of thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland, and the diagnosis is fairly simple with a blood test measuring T4. There are 3 primary conventional treatments, but the most common one ( a drug called methimazole), produces side effects in 15% of cats, some very serious. Fortunately there are a few specific holistic options for you to consider, and they have helped many a hyperthyroid cat.

5 Crucial Tips You Need To Know When Keeping Goats

5 Crucial Tips You Need To Know When Keeping Goats - It is important to know how to care for goats if you own a goat farm or just planning to start one. A goat is a great source of income, and is able to provide a range of products ranging from dairy products such as milk, meat, and its skin could also be used as a base material for leather products, or even the goat themselves or their off springs could be sold. Goats could also function as some sort of farm equipment as they are quite effective in removing weeds. It is really necessary to know well the animals that you are taking care of or intend to raise. Learn how to care for goats properly with the following advice:

1. Provide a companion, much better if a mate, for your goat if possible. Goats are social animals, and therefore require the presence and companionship of the same animal. If you are concerned of its offspring and taking care of something more than you could handle, you could always sell it. Depending on the breed a goat could net some good money.

2. Provide your goats with a spacious and clean shelter. Make sure it is spacious enough for them to wander around and play. If they are going to be placed inside a shelter then the shelter must be well ventilated. Most goats could easily adapt into the climate or its environment, however the shelter must be able to shield them from the harsh elements such as rain. The shelter must also be able to provide protection against other animals that could cause harm into your goats such as dogs and wild animals. It must also be cleaned regularly to avoid insect and rat infestations. Also provide dry hay stacks to serve as their bedding. If you intend to let the goats wander in your fields, then make sure that your fields are free from specific plants and weeds that are toxic or could cause indigestion and illnesses to goats.

3. Provide your goats with clean, healthy food and drinking water. Watch what you feed your goats, if you are going to feed them more natural and organic foods then be aware of what plants might be toxic for them or those that are beneficial for them such as barley, bran, and oats. If you want to know how to care for goats properly you should know how goats are quite sensitive when their diet suddenly changes. If you are using feeds then feed them the appropriate feeds such as for those who are lactating or whatever specific aim you have for your goat.

4. Keep your goats well-groomed: regular baths and the occasional hair and trimming of hooves helps, if you are unsure how to do so then consult your vet first.

5. Have your goats be checked regularly by a veterinarian, they really know how to care for goats when it comes to ailments. Having your goats checked regularly by a vet could protect them from illnesses and infections since prevention is better than cure.

Always remember that a healthy goat would net you with good profits, but for anyone not after the profits but for the love and companionship of these creatures, you'll want them to lead a healthy, happy, and long life, so learn how to care for goats properly.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Oranda Goldfish Information

The Oranda is a type of fancy goldfish that is distinguishable because of the hood that forms as an adult. Some may refer to them as a forked tailed or square edge tai. Eastern orandas have a deeply forked skinny lobbed tail. Orandas have lovely coloring with self-colored reds with an excellent color depth, keeping good coloration and hood growth. Breeding with these fish is a challenge for many breeders. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Few Wonderful Types of Goldfish

Goldfish are a cultivated form of a silver crucian (Carassius auratus), and it is one of the popular aquarium fishes. The first data about goldfish are received from China and relate to X-XII centuries. The length of a goldfish reaches 30 cm. The aquarium types of goldfish are usually smaller. Their body is extended, ellipse, with a sharp snout. The back of the fish is commonly red, its sides are golden, and the belly is yellowish. Fins may be red, orange or yellow. There are also kinds of goldfish that are light pink, white, yellow and even dark blue. Due to Chinese and Japanese selectors a lot of types of goldfish are received. Some of them are described below. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hoe to Care for Your Giant Green Iguana

So you're here looking for tips on how to care for your Giant Green Iguana so you have purchased one or are hoping to purchase one. There are some things you definitely need to know before setting out on this desire. These Iguanas can grow up to six feet in length and need plenty of room in the house to design or buy for it. These animals can live for up to fifteen years and it is the largest of all iguanas being held in captivity. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Aggressive Iguana Behavior Knowledge

An iguana is a fascinating lizard pet that when handled properly and gently from the time they are received, are not aggressive at all. When an iguana does show aggression he shows signs of fight or flight syndrome and will hide away or try to fight. 

Friday, January 27, 2012

Pregnant Cat Knowledge

What is the age of your pregnant cat? If under a year, or older than eight years, your cat will not have an easy time with birthing, and the possibility of deformed kittens is increased. Pregnancy is normally about 60-65 days long. In cases of large litters, length is usually lessened. In cases of a small litter number, length may increase.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

How To Solve The Cat Urine Spraying Problem?

In statistic, cat spraying a urine constitutes 44 and near to 100% in multi-cat households with over ten cats. It is quite normal behavior for the cat but we can reduce the problem. Many cats will reject a litterbox placed in a busy area of your home, people walking by all the time and making too much noise. Some cats like a little privacy if they are going to use the box and not give you cat urine problems. Most cats will not use a box that is located too close to their food and water, this is understandable.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Pet Clothes for Different Seasons and Occasions Tips

After a hectic and busy day, you will feel good when your pets with pretty gestures welcome you. Pet lovers always consider their pets as one among their family members and take a lot of care for their needs. One product which all the pet lovers show interest is the Pet clothes. When you clothe them, you protect them from the changing weather conditions. Even though the pets have natural fur and hair for protection from cold, clothes adds more beauty and the pets also look very cute by wearing varieties of pet clothes.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

How To Safe Pet Air Travel

Before you begin your trip, be sure that your pet is "up" for the journey. This means a visit to the vet for a medical checkup and to ensure that your pet is up-to-date with all necessary vaccinations. Be sure to tell your vet about your plans to travel by air. Your vet can recommend to you whether your pet is suitable for this method of travel. Once you’ve got the green light, here are some tips that will help make you and your pet’s air travel happy and safe.